September 6,2025

This year, 2025, marks the 24th anniversary of the attack on our country.
On September 11, 2001 343 New York City firefighters died when the World Trade Towers collapsed. The deaths of these men left many families fatherless and many survivors wondering why they were spared. The National Fallen Fire fighters Foundation sponsors 9-11 Memorial Stair Climbs across the country to remember the firefighters who laid down their lives that day. Funds raised by the Stair Climbs go to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation to support the Counseling Services Unit of the FDNY and to develop programs to reduce the injury and line of duty deaths.
The 2025 Lancaster 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb will be on Saturday September 6 at Penn Medicine Park in Lancaster PA. This will be the 15th year for the Lancaster 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb. Firefighters from Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Virginia have participated. Join fellow firefighters in remembering the fallen. Last year we had 335 participants and we are looking forward to another great event this year.
The Lancaster 9-11 Memorial Stair Climb is not a race. Participants climb the equivalent of 110 stories while carrying a picture badge of one of the fallen FDNY firefighters. Completing the Stair Climb symbolically completes the climb FDNY firefighters tried to do on September 11, 2001.